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Pink and Purple V-Day Nail Art

Friday, February 13, 2015

*This post contains an item that was sent for review*

Hi guys! Today's post is a pink and purple Valentine's Day gradient nail art inspired by a similar mani done by thepolishedokie on IG. You can see her original post here. I really liked the way the pink and purple shimmery gradient looked so I replicated it with my Bettina Cosmetics polishes, Watermelon and Butterfly, then I did the gradient in reverse using a heart stencil from Glam My Mani.


Bettina Butterfly and Watermelon are purple and bright pink sheer cremes with shimmer. They don't have the translucency and squishy-ness of a jelly but they are sheer enough to require an undie (I used a matte white for these) or three coats to be opaque. They are actually not the easiest of polishes to gradient with and it took several layers to reach this level of brightness and color intensity.


However, I do think it was worth it once you see how pretty the shimmer is!


Hey you get two macros today! To do the heart I started with two coats of my basic go-to matte white for nail art very simply called Matte Nail from Colorina Nail Lacquer (another local brand, yay for Puerto Rican nail polish brands!). Once that's dry, I used a heart stencil from Glam My Mani. I was sent a bunch of vinyls, including these heart ones, to use in my nail art and review a few months back. You apply the stencil on your nail and then with a very small piece of sponge you do a gradient. Because these polishes are very sheer, it took several layers so by the time I was satisfied with the look, the bottom layers where drying and I couldn't get a clean line when I pulled off the vinyl. The number one thing about working with nail vinyls is that you need to pull it off your nail as soon as you're done, while the polish is still really wet, in order to get a crisp design. Despite failing in that aspect, I still think it looks pretty and maybe even like I painted it that way on purpose.

So what do you guys think? I'm playing around with my lights to see if I can start to capture my skin color accurately. The way my light was set up was making me look really pale and I am not really that white. I'm sorta a yellow-olive tone.

Do you have plans for Valentine's Day? I don't, it's just a normal day of regular mom weekend stuff. Sunday, however is our 15th Couple Anniversary. We've been married for almost 10 years but he did the formal "do you want to be my girlfriend" thing 15 years ago when we where still in high school. We don't really do much for it but it's always nice to remember the day.

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15 comments on "Pink and Purple V-Day Nail Art"
  1. Very cute! I like the way the heart looks. :0)

  2. I like it a lot! I'm working and have a social meeting in the afternoon. My husband and I are taking our kids on dates the day after Valentine's :)

  3. Very sweet story about you and your husband. And that gradient is perfection!

  4. This is really pretty! I always seem to choose the wrong polishes for gradients, so I'm glad I'm not the only one who does several coats to opacity.

  5. I think this is adorable! This weekend, I'm keeping kiddo away from the new cat while she acclimates to her new home... Gonna be fun.

  6. I really the distressed look of the heart, super cool!

  7. Love the gradient heart!

  8. Such a cute gradient heart!

  9. I love this! Happy anniversary :)

  10. I think this is beautiful!! And happy anniversary!!

  11. Gorgeous gradient. Beautifully done!

  12. I love the gradient heart. I could never pull that off myself, I love it.

  13. I love this color combo!!!!!!! So cute!

  14. The gradient heart is my favorite part of the whole manicure. ❤


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