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Breaking the Biting Habit - Sept

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Hi guys! Today I have my Breaking the Biting Habit update for September 2014, aka how I stopped biting my nails. I haven't technically bitten my nails in... 2 months, I think? It's been a while. What I have had is lots of issues with the corners breaking. I keep talking about it because it keeps happening. I keep filing them short and rounding the edges and then it just seems like they aren't growing at all, which is very frustrating. Click on "Read More"!


So I went to Sally's and got ORLY's nail repair kit after the tea bag fix failed to help. I've been rocking patches on 3 nails on my swatching hand (left) for about 2 weeks now but...they are finally growing. The kit is basically a little bottle of brush on glue and a powder, which reminds me of acrylic powder and I'm guess it's the same thing. You put on the glue and then dip your finger in the powder and wait a few minutes until it sets. Then you take a buffing pad that comes with it and smooth it to blend with the rest of your nail. You then have to put some type of base coat or color over it cause otherwise it looks weird.


Here is my right hand or Cinderella hand. They are all growing nicely except for the index and thumb. Makes me want to use this hand for swatching sometimes, except my clean-up isn't as neat. Notice the awful red tone on three of my nails, that's from using ORLY Uncharted. It's a pink jelly I used for one day as the base for a mani you'll see next week. I don't care about removing it, since I'm going to cover it up with more nail polish anyways but if you do wear your nails naked often, beware that color.


Here's my swatching, left hand. Just before snapping this pic the patch I had fixing the broken corner of my index fell off, taking the bit of nail with it. My nail is missing the right top corner and looks like it's slanted. Since taking the pic I've repaired it and use the glue and powder to fill in the missing corner. I have patches on my ring finger and pinky, which give them a rough appearance on the tips. Compare this to the 1st pic and you can see I finally have free edge!


In addition to the stuff I normally use (Vaseline Essential Healing lotion, Sally Hansen Instant Miracle Cuticle Remover, Sephora glass file, ORLY Nailtrition or Nail Defense), I got this guy from and I lurve it. I was getting frustrated with Essie Apricot Cuticle oil and wanted something not oily and without grapeseed oil since I've had minor reactions to it in the past.


This is Indigo Bananas Coconut Banana Cuticle Balm and it is amazing. I've only been using it for 2 weeks but it's so much better than the oil. First off, it's a balm, second, the smell is tropical without being overwhelming, third, it's got a bunch of great ingredients.

This has avocado oil, mango butter, shea butter, cocoa butter, beeswax (sorry Vegan readers), jojoba oil, lanolin, meadow seed oil, and vitamin E plus the scents. I just rub some on whenever my fingers feel dry. It doesn't leave a greasy residue, the brains behind Indigo Bananas, Andrea, describes it as velvety and I agree. It's a soft feeling. Anyway, this is $8 for 20ml/0.67oz and it's filled all the way to the top.

That's it for today! 
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