My last update on the health of my nails and nail/hand care routine was
last January. That's because I have nothing new to report. Although my
nails broke a lot during the moving process (you can see all of those
pics where my nails are super nubby for a while on my Instagram), it's
not because I bit them. To be able to say, that despite the huge amounts
of stress, anxiety and depressive feelings, I never bit my nails off,
is a huge accomplishment.
A few weeks ago when I was chatting with my twin, she sent me a picture of her latest manicure. I commented on how long her nails were. She thanked me and then expressed her frustration at getting them to grow. She started on her journey to break her own decades long nail biting habit a few months after I did, inspired by my sucess. The idea then came to mind, that it might serve as inspiration to see and read about other nail bloggers/IGers who where also nail biters and have overcome it. So I've decided to revamp this series into a monthly interview segment, where we'll find out how others have broken their nail biting habits, and hopefully learn some new tricks and tips.