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Fun Lacquer Precious Swatch and Review

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Today I have swatches of FUN Lacquer Precious (H). Check below for my thoughts!

LED lights

Precious (H) is a multichrome holo microglitter. It looks amazing in pictures but I've got to say I was dissapointed with the formula in real life. The swatches are 4 coats...4! And 2 super thick coats of top coat to make it look all smooth and shiny for the photos. I hadn't realized it was a microglitter in a clear base when I ordered it. Even if I can sponge it on, it still takes me a while to achieve full coverage. I think I sponged on some of the nails...but I can't remember which since I did these back in May. I do know it took at least 3 layers of sponging on polish. Point is...not happy. And the holo in this is very graying indoors. Yeah, it looks amazeballs in the sun and under my lights, but not the rest of the time. I actually went ahead and sold this one to my sister right away. Oh well. I do have other FUNs to blog about, all of which I've swatched on a stick and I know I liked the formulas for the most part, so I'll be posting about those soon.
9 comments on "Fun Lacquer Precious Swatch and Review"
  1. I think this in my untried stash. This is a beautiful swatch though!

  2. I used to love FUN Lacquer. Now I think they are unoriginal and overpriced.

  3. Yikes! Four coats is too much for me! It is a lovely colour though.

  4. I love the color and shift of the polish, but ouch, four coats. Not a fan of that!

  5. This is stunning!! 4 coats doesn't bother me, I usually do 3 coats of most stuff anyway. What's one extra coat? haha

  6. So pretty! I cannot believe I don't own any from this brand yet. Though I have to say the four coats is definitely a turn off.

  7. I tend to agree with you, not worth it in the end. Perhaps it would have made a good topper or polish to layer. 3 coats is my absolute limit!

  8. Its really gorgeous, but yeah 4 coats is way too much!

  9. Definitely not impressed with 4 coats - such a bummer


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