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Moonflower Polish Diamante - Supernatural Lacquer Varulfur - UberChic 24-01 - Simply Silver Stamper

Tuesday, October 9, 2018
 I have the feeling like I've technically done this look before, the holo over multichrome I mean. Not that I particularly care if I have anyway, also too lazy too check. I say this often but the truth is I have no time. So, here we go, untried challenge again. My untried polish today is Supernatural Lacquer Varulfur, which was part of a werewolf themed duo with Supermoon...

Orly Oui - Moonflower Polish Noche - Dixie Plates - Untried Challenge - Nail Art

Monday, October 1, 2018
Today's untried polish is an oldie. I'm not even sure when I got this, 2014 or earlier. Which in the nail polish world, makes it old I guess. Anyway, this is Orly Oui, a purple jelly packed with gold mircoflakes and I feel like...some shimmer that shifts red-green a bit? It's hard to capture on camera but I can definitely see the hints of red and green amongst the gold. Maybe the microflakies...

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