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Ipsy Glam Bag - July 2017

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Today's post is about the Ipsy bag I got for July 2017. I know...I'm super late with this, I'm a busy woman ok? I actually got the August bag yesterday, so I hope to have that up soon. The products I received in my bag for July where TreStiQue mini concealer, 2 masks from TONYMOLY (I'm not sure I wrote that right), Ciate London Gel-Khol Hybrid liner, Hempz Ultra Moisturizing Herbal Lip Balm, and the Tarte Cosmetics Amazonian Clay Waterproof Bronzer. I haven't tested out the masks yet cause of something that happened to my face which I'm not sure you guys even want to know about...cause it was disgusting and disturbing...but uhh..don't pop your pimples ok? They can get a nasty staph infection...let's leave it a that. But I did try the other products as soon as they arrived and I have pics and my thoughts below!

The bag


While this was one of the nicest bags I've gotten, in terms of construction and feel of the material, I am not a fan. I didn't find it cute. I know I'm in the minority, oh well.

TreStiQue Mini Concealer



I got the TreStiQue mini concealer in Bisque and I actually liked it a lot. It did cover up my awful purply undereyes (thanks genetics and allergies!). It didn't look like super amazing but the result was natural looking and I actually resembled someone who is nicely rested and healthy instead of the chronic health mess I am sometimes.

Ciate London Wonderwand Gel-Khol Hybrid Liner



In regards to the Ciate London Wonderwand Gel-Khol Liner in black I have mixed feelings. On one hand, it's a great product and I loved the brush at the opposite end. The formula applied nice and creamy, and the brush really helped to get that small perfect little kitty-eye wing style that I like. However, it wasn't black enough! It looked grayish, almost a green-gray on my skintone. I need a deep inky black!

Hempz Ultra Moisturizing Herbal Lip Balm



I loved this product! It was amazing. I know it can be hard to tell in the before and after pics above but trust me, my lips felt so much better and smoother. It has a nice citrusy taste as well. I will definitely be back for more of this.

Tarte Cosmetics Amazonian Clay Waterproof Bronzer



I love the Tart eyeshadow palette I own (Tartiest Pro or something like that, yeah I know..shame on me, bad blogger.). But I was a bit disappointed with this. Maybe the color just doesn't work for my skin tone? It's too reddish I think.

It looks great outdoors and using my phone's selfie camera but indoors my whole face looked like super crazy orange tan. I applied it like they did in the little video in the Ipsy website, contour, temples, jawline. I think it's just too much for someone who's already tanned. I've been using it sparingly, like blush, when I just want a simple makeup look, and it looks a bit better that way. I'm just not convinced about the color.

So that's it for the June Ipsy Glam Bag! Let me know what you thought? If you subscribe to Ipsy, did you love the products you got? Hated them? Leave a comment below!

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3 comments on "Ipsy Glam Bag - July 2017 "
  1. I LOVE the bag. The concealer looks like it worked nicely. I agree on the eyeliner. It definitely doesn't look black.

  2. I dunno, I really like the bronzer on you. It's warm, but not too warm? I don't know. I like it! And that lip balm, I need. My lips are unbelievably dry, so I need something that'll actually help and this looks like it may just do the trick!

  3. I really like this ipsy glam bag. I think this months bag has better products as compare to the previous one. My personal favourite is Tarte eyeshadow.
